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P: 04 234 7777
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The vision for leadership.

Successful wayfinding depends on everybody on the waka having alertness of mind, wakefulness in the heart, being attuned in the spirit, and grounded in the belly*.

*Spiller, C., Barclay-Kerr, H. & Panoho, J.


Waka hourua are the strong, well-balanced and resilient double-sided canoes that Māori used to voyage across the Pacific in search of new opportunities. Wayfinding with the natural elements of wind, waves, birds and the path of the sun, moon and stars. Hei rāronga i te tira refers to the weaving together of leadership qualities and behaviours to achieve success for the waka and its crew.

  • Strategy

    Design direction

  • Design

    Design & layout, Print management

  • Client

    The Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga (ERO)


’Te Waka Hourua Arotake Mātauranga – Hei Rāranga i Te Tira‘ is the driving metaphor for ERO’s leadership vision, strategy and actions.

We took the essence of ‘Waka hourua’ and ‘Hei rāronga i te tira’ and created a contemporary interpretation of the waka, way-finding and the environment. With illustration we weaved this theme throughout the design of the strategy document.

A three-page centre spread creates a pullout poster – a birds-eye view of the waka. This image is the metaphor for ERO’s leadership vision, driving the waka, navigating in unison to achieve success for the waka and its crew.


From the collective
desk of tangerine.

Creative design

— Tangerine


— Tangerine


Like what you see?

We’re a team of creatives – excited about our next project. Seeing is believing, and believing is everything. That’s one reason of many we’re not called beige.
