Get In Touch
1 The Haven,Whitby, Porirua
[email protected]
P: 04 234 7777
Work Inquiries
[email protected]
M: 021 0264 7580

An opportunity to work together.

Mana Whakahono ā Rohe provide an opportunity for tangata whenua (through their iwi authority or hapū) and local authorities to work together on environmental issues.


To guide the way – to improve working relationships and to enhance Māori participation in resource management and decision-making processes.

  • Strategy

    Design direction

  • Design

    Tohu/symbol, Publication design

  • Client

    Ministry for the Environment


This guidance is for everyone – including local authority staff, tangata whenua, and their respective elected representatives.

The tohu design is a stylised view looking into a kete. The green, blue and orange represent the three baskets of knowledge. The different weave strands represent the strands of tangata whenua and local authorities who will establish a Mana Whakahono ā Rohe.

The central area of the kete represents the environment; protected and nurtured within the basket. The weave comes together representing strength of collaboration and shared knowledge between the parties to create an outcome with the environment and the parties’ on-going relationship at its heart.


From the collective
desk of tangerine.

Creative design

— Tangerine

Tohu symbol

— Tangerine


Like what you see?

We’re a team of creatives – excited about our next project. Seeing is believing, and believing is everything. That’s one reason of many we’re not called beige.
